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  • This resource will allow members to create crowdfunding projects in your board.
  • Notice:
  • Requirement: Commerce: https://invisionpower.com/features/commerce
  • Money donated: money donated goes to the project author via Account Credit.
  • Each purchase entitles you to use Crowdfunding on one Community installation.
  • Features:
  • Ability to allow NO TARGET projects per category
  • Unlimited categories of projects with permissions, extra fields, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions and extra fields
  • Category Image and Icons.
  • Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies
  • Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies
  • Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display projects goal
  • Per member settings:
    • Allows to access the app
    • Allows to submit projects
  • Per group settings:
    • Allows to access the app
    • How many approvwd content items must have to access the app
    • Restrict X projects by a period of time (day, week, month and year)
  • Robust Admin CP Restrictions
  • Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center
  • Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on
  • Integrates to:
    • Activity Streams
    • Share Links
    • Tag/Prefixs system
    • Notifications:
      • Default ones (such as new project, follow category, etc)
      • When someone donates to a project you created
    • Follow System for projects and categories
    • Search system
    • ACP Live Seach (categories)
    • Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Projects, Comments and Reviews
    • Achievements Points
    • Webhooks
    • Rest API
  • Ability to create RSS feeds of all projects
  • More...


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