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    What lead to permanent ban

    By Fox,

    1. Advertising for another source other than ICQ.lol
    Self promotion, social networks, ..etc. Authorized links are those of upload sites, Themeforest or identical website and ICQ.lol links.

    2. Spam
    Whatever the nature of the content posted and judged as spam by the admin. No exceptions are made. Complaints should be made via report and with respect.

    3. Disrespect
    To another member or to staff members. Racist, discriminating, religious intonations. If you are hateful, angry, anxious, or with any other mental imbalance: please take a break and do not log into ICQ.lol to say bullshit. Because with just one click, we will no longer hear from you, you will never have existed for us and we don't like to do it unless you push us to do it yourself by your attitude.

    5. Dangerous Affiliate Links
    Any affiliate link judged, by the ICQ.lol staff, as dangerous or harmful to the user. Affiliate links that lead to sources that spread malicious content and violate the privacy of the user.

    6. Trying to sell or make a deal without have the requirements
    Many of you think that ICQ.lol is the hometown market or a fish market, you come here and piss on the rules and on us by the way. And think yourself smart and trying to sell: this is prohibited and this send you directly on vacation without return back.
    If you want to sell, it must be an exclusive product and not available for free on the Internet. Then you can contact @Fox to find out how to sell it.

    Оплата на ICQ.lol рублями

    By Fox,

    Официально валюта нашего сайта - EURO!

    Для оплаты чего угодно на ICQ.lol рублями, для вас есть всего один способ:

    свяжитесь со мной через Telegram

    Cообщите какая сумма в euro вам нужна.

    Мы принимаем вашу заявку и согласовываем сумму в рублях по курсу RBK + 10%, которую вам необходимо перевести через систему быстрых платежей СБП по номеру телефона +79992004030 в банк Райффайзен.

    после этого мы отправим вам "Подарочную карту ICQ.lol" которую вам необходимо активировать тут:


    И вам на баланс зачислится ранее оговоренная сумма в euro.

    Других реквизитов и методов для пополнения баланса с использованием валюты "Рубли" на нашем проекте нет и не будет.


    By Fox,

    Today we launched our website.

Portal by DevFuse · Based on IP.Board Portal by IPS
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