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    Guy Fawkes
    By Guy Fawkes,


    • This resource will allow members to create crowdfunding projects in your board.
    • Notice:
    • Requirement: Commerce: https://invisionpower.com/features/commerce
    • Money donated: money donated goes to the project author via Account Credit.
    • Each purchase entitles you to use Crowdfunding on one Community installation.
    • Features:
    • Ability to allow NO TARGET projects per category
    • Unlimited categories of projects with permissions, extra fields, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions and extra fields
    • Category Image and Icons.
    • Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies
    • Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies
    • Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display projects goal
    • Per member settings:
      • Allows to access the app
      • Allows to submit projects
    • Per group settings:
      • Allows to access the app
      • How many approvwd content items must have to access the app
      • Restrict X projects by a period of time (day, week, month and year)
    • Robust Admin CP Restrictions
    • Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center
    • Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on
    • Integrates to:
      • Activity Streams
      • Share Links
      • Tag/Prefixs system
      • Notifications:
        • Default ones (such as new project, follow category, etc)
        • When someone donates to a project you created
      • Follow System for projects and categories
      • Search system
      • ACP Live Seach (categories)
      • Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Projects, Comments and Reviews
      • Achievements Points
      • Webhooks
      • Rest API
    • Ability to create RSS feeds of all projects
    • More...


    Live Messenger

    Guy Fawkes
    By Guy Fawkes,

    Live Messenger

    Live Messenger for Invision Community. This application is not an alternative to the standard functionality of personal messages, but is a convenient addition. Live Messenger was created to make it easier to communicate with other users. Loading and sending new messages occurs without reloading pages. The main advantage of this application is that you can quickly write or read a private message on any community page.

    • Quick buttons: create a DM, open the messenger and show/hide the Live Messenger window.
    • Quick access to your latest personal messages.
    • Quick access to a private conversation.
    • Messages in a minimal design, without distracting design elements.
    • Select the groups that can use Live Messenger.
    • PM read/unread icon.
    • Fast sending of messages.

    IPS: 4.5 4.6 4.7



    Guy Fawkes
    By Guy Fawkes,


    This resource will allow members to submit job opportunities and curriculum vitae to help people find a job.

    Job Opportunity submissions:

    • You can build your own forms with the fields you judge necessary.
      • Each form can be assigned to specific groups via permission.
      • You can add email addresses to be to be alerted when someone applies for a job opportunity.
    • Unlimited categories, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships.
      • Ability to set a category as container to other categories so it won't accept submissions.
    • Extra fields.
    • Feature Color.
    • Icon.
    • Comments and Reviews.
    • Ability to choose which packages will work in the category, If you have Commerce installed.
    • Etc.

    Curriculum Vitae submissions:

    • You can add the the fields you judge necessary.
    • You have permissions to submit CV and to view submitted CVs.


    • This resource has its own internal search so you easily find job opportunities by:
      • Title
      • Category
      • Type
      • Country
      • State/Region
      • City
      • Work from home

    Monetize your site:

    • You can create Packages to charge for job opportunity submissions, with renewals.
    • Packages features:
      • Number of days to keep the submission active
      • Paid submissions with its cost
      • If submissions can be renewed, with the term and cost
      • Groups allowed to use that package
      • If new submissions will be pinned


    • Settings to control the app behaviour in several places/situations.


Portal by DevFuse · Based on IP.Board Portal by IPS
  • Example Block (HTML)

    This is an example html block without the use of the sidebar block template.

    HTML and IPB css will work in here.
  • Example Block (PHP)

    This is an example block Guest, for ICQ.lol.

    PHP and most IPB code will work in here.
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