- Базовые знания Linux, отсутствие страха перед консолью (или курс на OTUS)
- Базовые знания Docker
- Знание Git на уровне уверенного пользователя
- Знакомство с процессами выпуска цифровых продуктов и понимание их жизненного цикла (опыт из разработки, тестирования или эксплуатации)
- Плюсом будет пройденный курс «DevOps практики и инструменты»
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- Stake: Users can stake their cryptocurrency to earn rewards.
- Investment Packages: Various packages for cryptocurrency investments.
- B2X Loan System: Loans provided to customers holding BTC, secured by their BTC.
- Merchant System: Enables merchants to collect payments efficiently.
- Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Each user level earns commissions from their lower levels.
- Crypto Currency Buy & Sell: Facilitate buying and selling of cryptocurrencies.
- Crypto Currency Exchange: Exchange different cryptocurrencies.
- Quick Exchange System: Speedy exchange processes.
- Customer KYC Verification System: Verify customer identities through KYC processes.
- Coin-Based MLM: MLM system based on cryptocurrency.
- Coin-Based Affiliate: Affiliate system using cryptocurrency.
- Level-Wise Commission: Commission distribution based on user levels.
- Coin Deposit: Enable coin deposits.
- Coin Withdraw: Facilitate coin withdrawals.
- Money Transfer: Transfer money between accounts.
- Coin Based Affiliate
- Coin Deposite
- Coin Withdraw
- Money Transfer
- Coin Package
- Coin Lending
- Buy sell Notification
- SMS Notification
- Email Notification
- Coin Exchange
- Coin Buy Sell
- Bitcoin Payment
- Multi Language
- Team Bonus
- Level Wise Award
- Money Credit System
- Exchange wallet
- Your Local Currency Symbol
- Daily, Weekly Monthly ROI
- React based Responsive Website
- Crypto Depth analysis
- Customer support panel
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Инфраструктурная платформа на основе Kubernetes
Инфраструктурная платформа на основе Kubernetes
Skillbox, Илья Феоктистов, Дмитрий Зайцев - Инфраструктурная платформа на основе Kubernetes (2022-2023)
Освойте функционал K8s и создайте платформу для своего цифрового продукта
Для кого этот курс?
Для администраторов, инфраструктурных инженеров и специалистов, понимающих, что такое DevOps. После обучения вы будете обладать квалификацией платформенного инженера и сможете самостоятельно создать инфраструктурную платформу в своей компании.
Для разработчиков. Вы будете понимать, как запущено и работает ваше приложение в различных окружениях, включая production, научитесь использовать экосистему по максимуму, отлаживать приложение и изменять процедуры развертывания и конфигурирования.
Для СТО, которые присоединились к проекту с инфраструктурной платформой или планируют ее создание для продуктов своей компании. Вы научитесь проводить R&D, выбирать подходящие инструменты из возможностей и ограничений, эффективно масштабировать надёжную инфраструктуру под растущие потребности бизнеса и правильно освобождать продуктовые команды от части задач администрирования/автоматизации и фокусировать их на развитии продукта.
Для обучения на этом курсе оцени свой уровень знаний
Необходимые знания:
Размер курса 6.11 Gb, после приобретения вы получите файл .torrent и сможете скачать курс с наших серверов.
JSpeed plugin for Joomla
JSpeed plugin for Joomla
Google rolled out "Core Web Vitals", indeed the speed factor is today crucial for the ranking of a website.
The Google PageSpeed score assigned to your pages is now really important, a score of 90 or above is considered fast, and 50 to 90 is considered moderate. Below 50 is considered to be slow.
The JSpeed plugin for Joomla increases performance of your website
by applying automatically several improvements as suggested by Google PageSpeed best practices. By installing the plugin you can reach up to a doubled score during the Google PageSpeed test. JSpeed is the most powerful Joomla performance plugin that implements unique technologies such as Adaptive Contents™ that makes it possible to generate a lightweight version of the website to dramatically raise up the page speed score without losing website functionalities.
JSpeed functionalities include:
•Scripts minification: Javascript can be minified to reduce the total scripts size and save bandwidth
•Stylesheets minification: CSS can be minified to reduce the total CSS size, save bandwidth and extract the 'Above-the-fold' CSS
•HTML minification: The HTML source code can be minified to reduce the total page size and save bandwidth
•Combine multiple JS and CSS files: Javascript and CSS can be combined in single files to minimize the HTTP request overhead
•Adaptive Contents™: This technology makes it possible to generate a lightweight version of the website to raise up the page speed score without losing website functionalities
•Instant Page technology™: Instant Page uses just-in-time preloading. This feature, compatible with both desktop and mobile devices, preloads a page right before a user clicks on it
•Auto configuration and integrated Google PageSpeed: The plugin is capable to find the optimal configuration automatically and integrates the Google PageSpeed test
•Defer and preload of assets: CSS, JS and Web Fonts can be loaded in defer, async or preload mode
•Lazy-load images: Images and iframes that are out of view can be lazy-loaded only when the user scrolls down the page to display them
•Lazy-load HTML elements: Heavy HTML elements that slow down the LCP can be easily lazy-loaded
•Images optimization: Large images can be rescaled, resized and optimized on the fly to dramatically reduce the page size and bandwidth
•Optimization of background images: JSpeed is capable to optimize also images that are set as a background through HTML and CSS styles
•Lossless optimization: Large images in PNG and JPG format can be optimized on the fly using a lossless algorithm
•Srcset creation for images: JSpeed is capable to automatically create an image srcset using up to 4 differently-sized images for various resolutions
•Images conversion to WebP and AVIF: Images can be converted in realtime to the WebP and AVIF next generation format
•Assets removal: It's possible to remove CSS/JS files and Fonts to avoid the loading of unnecessary resources
•Htaccess optimization: A series of optimizations can be applied to the htaccess file in order to leverage the browser caching
•Combine images: It's possible to generate a single container image for multiple backgrounds applied through CSS
•HTTP/2 optimizations: JSpeed works with HTTP/2 compatible servers to enable server push
•CDN support: Links for all assets can be automatically rewritten to point to your CDN domain
•Fix conflicts easily: JSpeed integrates a powerful exclusions system to fix conflicts due to minification of scripts
Nishue - CryptoCurrency Buy Sell Exchange and Lending with MLM System | Crypto Investment Platform v5.0
Nishue - CryptoCurrency Buy Sell Exchange and Lending with MLM System | Crypto Investment Platform v5.0
Nishue - CryptoCurrency Buy Sell Exchange and Lending with MLM System | Crypto Investment Platform v5.0
Nishue is a robust cryptocurrency investment program software that integrates various features such as Stake, Investment packages, B2X Loans, Merchant systems, and multi-level marketing (MLM). Each user level receives commissions from their lower levels, enhancing the multi-level marketing experience.
Key Features:
Additional Features :